Studying the pursuits of your clients is extremely important to your success as a luxury real estate marketing professional. Although this may not apply to all of your clients or to all luxury real estate markets, the quest to possess the finest and the rarest objects in the world is definitely one of the exciting sports of high net worth individuals.
In summary: it has to be win/win Are the operator's profits aligned with yours, the investors i.e. usually at the end on exit? Or are they lining their pockets upfront regardless of asset performance?
Many times a seller will select a broker based upon a referral. That is fine as long as that broker is experienced in your market and is not the husband or wife of friends who just entered the real estate in Marbella. estate profession. Stay away from that! As much as you would like to help friends out, why would you screw around with your major investment in the hands of an amateur?
What are we going to do with the Russians my dear friends? As this country becomes more stable and as oil prices move upwards so the middle/upper middle income Russian real estate development. people will become more and more financially able and to turn their attention to the holiday home destinations. The average sale prices per for this type of property that the Europeans usually buy is in the region of CP1.500 - CP2.500 [max.] per sq.mts., the Russian market with a particular interest for Limassol, has even shown prices of CP4.000 - CP6.000/ for beach units.
Content is added weekly or daily to your real estate website. Google, Facebook, and your clients are always looking for something new. There is always something new happening in real estate company or service. estate. Your website needs to let them know what is happening. It may be an increase palacetes de banus in inventory, a new listing (whether or not its yours), or just your opinion of the market.
How can it cost you less to sell your home to a real estate investor? Because you are selling real estate directly directly to a buyer there are no real estate agent commissions involved which is typically 6 percent of your sale value. This can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Instead of paying a real estate agent commissions you are giving some of that money in equity to the new home buyer or investor.
The next best way to keep more cash in your pocket when selling real estate is to find a home buyer yourself and skip paying real estate commissions to an agent. This avenue is not for all home sellers. Real estate agents exist because they provide value and service. However if you have extra time, energy and are up to a challenge then selling your home for sale by owner could save you big dollars at the closing table.
If your competition in luxury real estate is heading in one direction take the opposition direction and stand out. Be a contrarian. Maintain your personal touch, even after you have sold the home. It will go a long way to build client loyalty and referrals.
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